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Juvenile Pixel Tangerine Crested Gecko Cr-10038

  • Juvenile
  • Hatched: 10/9/23
  • Weight: 5.3 grams on 3/21/24
  • Pixel
  • Tangerine
  • Extreme Harlequin
  • Orange Pattern
  • Dark Base
  • Fringe
  • Kneecaps

Pixel is a difficult trait to put into words. The trait, as we know it, disrupts pattern into what some would call a pixelated look. This definition is likely to change as we better understand the trait and how it interacts with other traits. Our experience with the trait comes from multiple animals displaying a homozygous form, like this gecko, and not displaying a visual "marker" for heterozygous geckos. This is a great opportunity to get into the trait with some beautiful individuals!

Also, check out the orange on this animal, especially the tail, this is a great example of the tangerine trait impacting the normally white colored tail of a crested gecko to a deep orange!

If you are a new gecko owner or are just looking for more breeding information check out ourĀ crested gecko care sheet here.

After purchasing your gecko, don't forget to schedule your live animal shipment here.